WOMEN’S DAY, the theme for 2017 is Be Bold for the change!! interpretation for the theme can be unique and different for each one for us.
I always wonder why we celebrate one day when ideally all days should be the celebration for us but if we give deeper thought to it realisation comes that on regular days we are busy and stuck up in our daily rituals that it becomes mandatory for us to have a specific day for celebration. When we keep our regular worries, work etc on aside and just celebrate…
For me, Women’s day is a day to realize self-worth, self-importance and to pamper our self and other women around you with a pride.
This day does not call for the rebel, going against society or changing unwanted stuff, this day calls for bringing small changes for ourselves and for wonderful women around us. Be it you, your daughter, your sister, your mother, your mother in law, your colleague, your household supporter or your friend, let’s bring a small change in their life and keep it permanent ( Be Bold For Change), it should not be for a day, for today.
Change is an ongoing process takes time and a woman can easily understand the concept of change as she is the only versatile creation of nature who play the various difficult role in one life. Change takes time so keep the change permanent, repeat what you have changed every day to make it permanent. Change require efforts and persistence.Each one of us can bring that change we are looking at, by empowering, by helping, by educating women around us.
Read, learn, get educated, be aware, be decisive be firm, be persistent…..Let your self-grow every day.
Educate a girl if you can, share the meal if you can, educate oldies on technology and new trends if you can, Learn to Think and develop yourself if you can, Spare an hour for yourself daily if you can, read-write explore, GROW. Be the change you want in society.
Pledge to understand the true meaning of feminism and Enjoy Womanhood.
Happy International Women’s Day!!